BBC Science Focus Magazine Subscription

BBC Science Focus
BBC Science Focus
Delving into the mysteries behind everyday life. Our expert team bring you fascinating, authoritative articles, illustrated with stunning images, to explain the science behind the world around you ....more
The science magazine for the Inquisitive mind. Every month Focus brings you all that´s new and exciting in science, technology and the natural world. Our expert team bring you fascinating, authoritative articles, illustrated with stunning images, to explain the science behind the world around you. With topics such as the death of the sun, gay genetics, tech fixes for climate change, and future space travel, you just won´t be able to put it down.

Published in English and delivered Monthly.
Allow 6-10 weeks for initial delivery.
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Our Price
Per Issue
  • BBC Science Focus 14 Issues One Year
    1050.00 Kr
    75.00 Kr
*maximum saving across all subscription terms (renewal terms may vary)
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